NDNEEL2s& Accession No:Additional Info:  Abstract:Address:'Affiliation: ' Author(s): `Affiliation:` ' Author(s): Availability:Class Descrpt:Conf Author(s):  Conference:Correspondence Info:' Database:/Date of Entry: Details:Document Type: DOI: +Entry:External Resources:Format Availability:Format Covered: Full Text: Ownership: Language:2 Library Info:Note(s): Provider:0 Content Type:Source:/ Vol () ( ):  `Additional Info:` Source:, Vol () ():  `Additional Info:` Source: Vol () ( ): Source: Vol () (): Source:+ Vol  ( ):  `Additional Info:` Source:( Vol  ():  `Additional Info:` Source: Vol  ( ): Source: Vol  (): Source:) () ( ):  `Additional Info:` Source:& () ():  `Additional Info:` Source: () ( ): Source: () (): Source:$ ( ):  `Additional Info:` Source:! ():  `Additional Info:` Source: ( ): Source:  ():  Standard No: SUBJECT(S)Title:TOC:-------Document Type:`Authored Book` Abstract: Accession No:Address:'Affiliation: ' Author(s): Author(s): `Affiliation:` ' Availability:Cited Reference:Class Descrpt:Conf Author(s):  Content Type: Contents:Correspondence Info:' Database:/Date of Entry:  Description:; Description:Document Type:Entry:External Resources:Format Covered:Full Text: Language: 2 Library Info:Note(s): Ownership: Provider:0 Publication: :  Publication:  Publisher: : , Inc., ,  Publisher: : , , Series:  Standard No: SUBJECT(S)Title:  ( ed.).Title:TOC: Year:-------Document Type: `Chapter` Abstract: Accession No:Address:'Affiliation: ' Author(s): `Affiliation:` ' Author(s): Availability:Cited Reference:Class Descrpt:Conf Author(s):  Content Type:Correspondence Info:' Database:/Date of Entry:  Description:Document Type:Entry:External Resources:Format Covered:Full Text:  Language:2 Library Info:Note(s): Ownership: Provider:0 Publisher:* , US : , US : , Inc., s,  ,  Publisher: : , Inc,   Publisher: : ;  : ,   Publisher: : , Inc., ,  Publisher: : , Inc.,   Publisher: : , Inc, ,  Publisher: : , Inc,   Publisher: : , ,  Publisher: : ,   Publisher: Series: Source:+In: ; Ed; ; Ed; et al; .; ; : Source:&In: ; Ed; ; Ed; et al; .; ; Source:#In: ; Ed; et al; .; ; : Source:In: ; Ed; et al; .; ; Source:$In: ; Ed; ; Ed; .; ; : Source:In: ; Ed; ; Ed; .; ; Source:In: ; Ed; .; ; : Source:In: ; Ed; .; ; Source: Standard No: SUBJECT(S)Title:  ( ed.).Title:Year:------- Document Type: `Edited Book` Abstract:  Accession No:  Address: ' Affiliation: ' Author(s):  `Affiliation:` ' Author(s):  Availability:  Class Descrpt:  Conf Author(s):  Content Type:  Contents:  Correspondence Info: ' Database: / Date of Entry:  Description: ; Description:  Document Type:  Entry:  External Resources:  Format Covered:  Full Text:  Language: 2 Library Info:  Note(s):  Ownership:  Provider: 0 Publication:  : Publication:  Publisher:  : , Inc., ,  Publisher:  : , ,  Series:  Standard No:  SUBJECT(S)  Title:  ( ed.). Title:  TOC:  Year:  -------  Document Type: `Report` Abstract:  Accession No:  Address: ' Affiliation: ' Author(s):  `Affiliation:` ' Author(s):  Cited Reference:  Content Type:  Correspondence Info: ' Date of Entry:  Database: / Description:  p Description:  Document Type:  External Resources:  Format Availability:  Format Covered:  Language: 2 Library Info:  Provider: 0 SUBJECT(S)  Publication:  : Publication:  Title:  Year: D[ ] - . D edited by D DD#DHDed. HSD H D: D$D%D&DDSLS!S"LDDDDDD p. ; : p HD ISBN: ISSN: HSpecial Issue: 'D, US DDUS; D No authorship, indicated Ed, Ed D: , US D , Publishers {    Source: Accession No: Descriptor: 9PsycFIRST (OCLC)OCLC1. In OCLC, author names are sometimes followed by additional information such as their university affiliation. EndNote cannot distinguish when the author name ends and the affiliation begins, so it will import all the data into the author field. After importing, you will need to manually check the author field and remove any extraneous information. 2. Due to the lack of delimiters in the "Publisher:" tag for Book Sections, the publisher, year and number of pages are imported into the Publisher field and must be parsed manually after importing. 3. In some OCLC "Author(s):" tags, the word "Ed" or "Trans" (abbr. for Editor and Translator) is sometimes listed in the tag as a separate author or as part of the author name. As such, you'll need to remove these manually from the EndNote "Author" field after import. Since "Ed" is much more frequent as an abbreviation for 'Editor' than it is a person's name, this filter is set up to remove any and all instances of "Ed" from the Author field. PsycFIRST(abbr. for Editor and Translator) is sometimes listed in the tag as a separate author or as part of the author name. As such, you'll need to remove these manually from the EndNote "Author" field after import.